A HUGE thank you and congratulations to our Weigand of the Year, Jennifer Salva! Jennifer, a 2019 graduate of Washburn School of Law, has been instrumental in the development, planning, and execution of our quarterly newsletter, The WeigandWire.

The WeigandWire not only helps alumni keep up to date with happenings within the family, it also provides an excellent opportunity for our students to learn more about our community and the trailblazers before them!

The Weigand Trust alumni base is composed of decades of lawyers who are scattered coast to coast. Jennifer’s tireless efforts to keep the ‘next issue’ in progress provide the glue to keep us connected, and foster a continued spirit of family. It’s a pleasure and honor to recognize and celebrate Jennifer as our Weigand of the Year. Well deserved!

To sign up to receive the WeigandWire, click here.
